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Official Transcripts

If you have any problem ordering an electronic transcript, please email us.

Current Students

Official Transcripts are available to current Thayer students using the online ordering system in BannerStudent. To order a transcript, log in to BannerStudent, select the "Request an Official Transcript" link on your Thayer Student Main Menu, and click through to the ordering page. There is no fee for ordering transcripts.

Official Transcripts may be delivered in either certified PDF (“eTranscript”) or paper formats. Requests for eTranscripts are generally processed and delivered within one business day of the request being placed. Official paper Transcripts are generally processed within 2-5 business days of receipt of your request. Please order an Official paper Transcript at least one week in advance of the required mailing date.


Alumni may request Official Transcripts through Dartmouth's online service. Please note that eTranscripts are only available for the Class of 1999 to present.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are only available to currently enrolled students.

Dartmouth provides current students with two versions of their Unofficial Transcript: a web version, designed primarily for online viewing, and a PDF version, designed to be sent to your Dartmouth email account. Both versions are available on the BannerStudent menu.

  • To view the online version, click "Unofficial Transcript - Web version" on your BannerStudent menu.
  • To have a PDF version sent to your Dartmouth email account, click "Unofficial Transcript - PDF version" on your BannerStudent menu.

Transcripts FAQs

Official Transcripts FAQs

  • Is there a charge for ordering Official Transcripts?
    No, students may order Official Transcripts without paying any additional charge. Students may request expedited delivery by indicating this in the special instructions section. If expedited delivery is requested, you will need to include a credit card number and expiration date for billing of shipping charges.
  • What is the processing and delivery time for Official Transcripts?
    Requests for Official eTranscripts are processed and delivered within one business day of the order being placed. The processing time for Official paper Transcripts is usually 2 business days except during busy periods such as the start and end of terms, then it may take up to 5 business days.
  • What is an eTranscript and how does it work?
    An electronic transcript or "eTranscript" is a certified PDF of your Official Transcript. Dartmouth has partnered with Parchment Exchange to securely order and process your transcript request. Recipients of the Official eTranscript receive an email with instructions on how to retrieve the document from the secure website. Official eTranscripts can be sent to any valid email address.
  • How can I validate an eTranscript?
    See How to Validate an Official eTranscript for details.
  • How can I reassure recipients that an eTranscript is authentic?
    Dartmouth's Official eTranscript is a certified PDF that displays a blue ribbon on the notification bar across the top of Adobe Reader, ensuring the recipient that the digital signature is authentic and the contents of the eTranscript have not been altered. Recipients of Dartmouth's Official eTranscript must use Adobe Reader to view the transcript.
  • How do I know whether or not the receiver will accept an eTranscript?
    Almost all major educational institutions accept eTranscripts. AMCAS and LSAC do not currently accept them. If you experience difficulty with your recipient over the eTranscript, please contact the Registrar's Office.
  • Why does my eTranscript say VOID when I print it?
    An eTranscript is considered Official in PDF format only. If printed, the word "VOID" will appear repeatedly to indicate that the paper copy is not an Official institutional document.
  • What is the fastest (and lowest cost) way of delivering my Official Transcript?
    Official eTranscript requests are processed within one business day of the order being placed and are the fastest way to deliver your transcript.
  • Is it possible to request expedited delivery of my Official Transcript in paper format?
    If you require expedited delivery, please indicate this in the special instructions section. You will need to include a credit card number and expiration date.
  • Can I upload a document to be mailed with the transcript?
    Yes, there is the option to upload supporting documents. For the eTranscript, the attachment will be sent just as it is uploaded. For paper transcripts, the document will be printed and included with your transcript.
  • I have a transcript hold on my record. Can I request my Official Transcript?
    If you have a hold that prevents the release of your Official Transcript, you will not be able to place a request until the hold is cleared. The Transcript Request page in BannerStudent will inform you of any holds on your record, and identify the Office who placed the hold.
  • Can I access an Unofficial copy of my transcript?
    Current students may access their Unofficial Transcripts using one of the "Unofficial Transcript" links in BannerStudent.

Unofficial Transcripts FAQs

  • Where is the Unofficial Transcript menu item?
    Unofficial Transcripts can be accessed by current students with a BannerStudent account, and are listed under "Unofficial Transcript - Web version" and "Unofficial Transcript - PDF version" on the Thayer Student Main Menu. The Web version is available immediately, and the PDF version is emailed to your Dartmouth email address shortly after the request is submitted.
  • What is the advantage of having an Unofficial Transcript in addition to the Official Transcript that you can request through the Registrar's Office?
    The Unofficial Transcript provides you with a place to view all the courses you have taken at Thayer, as well as those for which you are currently registered.
  • When do you use an Unofficial Transcript?
    This is helpful for internal purposes, such as applying for jobs or internships, to show the types of courses you have taken, or to apply for a research grant. It can be used to show proof of enrollment in a future term when an unofficial document is acceptable. It can be helpful for advising purposes.
  • How can I use it when my employer or graduate school states that they require an Official Transcript?
    If you have an approaching deadline and an Official Transcript cannot be sent in time, you could send an Unofficial Transcript and then request that an Official Transcript be sent by the Registrar's Office as a follow up. For example, during the grading period at the end of the term, no Official Transcripts can be processed and your Unofficial Transcript may not have your current term grades, however, Unofficial Transcripts are available 24/7.
  • When is an Official Transcript required?
    Students request Official Transcripts through the Registrar's Office when applying to graduate school, for some employment opportunities, security clearances, internships external to Dartmouth, and volunteer work. You should request an Official Transcript whenever you need to validate the courses you took as a Thayer student, and to make a good impression by presenting a formal document.
  • What is the difference between what is on the Official Transcript and the Unofficial Transcript?
    Both documents are accurate representations of your academic record, however, the information appears differently and has different levels of security.
    • The Web version of the Unofficial Transcript is stamped "this is not official" throughout and while it can be printed, it is not designed for this purpose.
    • The Unofficial PDF Transcript looks the same as the Official Transcript, with the word "UNOFFICIAL" printed across the document, and the language "This document is an *unofficial* transcript and should not replace the *official* signed and sealed transcript" at the top and bottom of each page. It is not a secure PDF.
    • The Official Transcript paper version is printed on security paper with the Thayer School seal and the Registrar's signature; it is stamped "Official," citations earned are included, and it can be delivered on your behalf by the Registrar's Office to the 3rd party(ies) you have indicated.
    • The Official eTranscript is delivered as a secured PDF document that certifies the authenticity of the document, citations earned are included, and can be delivered on your behalf by the Registrar's Office to the 3rd party(ies) you have indicated.


If you have questions, please contact the Thayer School Registrar’s Office.

Office of the Registrar
Thayer School of Engineering
Dartmouth College
15 Thayer Drive
Hanover, NH 03755

(603) 646-3801

(603) 646-1620
